Welcome to AppAbled!

We are here to help you, the parents and teachers of Special Needs children, and the Developers who make the apps that help our children.

We are passionate about iOS technology and the difference it can make to a Special Needs child’s life.

As parents of Special Needs Children, we know how difficult it can be to find the right app for your child. We hope to make this a little easier for you all by providing reviews and also showcasing the Developers who make the apps.

AppAbled is run by Barney Teriann and Julie-Anne a pair of busy Mums with seven children between them! Based on opposite sides of the world, Teriann is Australian and Julie-Anne lives in Ireland, they are joined by AppAbled’s reviewers, Our resident SLP Jean (US) and the team of Super-mums Niamh (US),Elaine (IRE) and Mary (IRE). Between us  we have a wealth of experience and hope to share this with you all.

Julie-Anne and Teriann would like to thank you all for your support over the past 12 months, without it this website would not be possible.

We look forward to bringing you lots of great reviews, give aways and much, much more…